Saturday, January 5, 2019

Friendship Groups and Clubs for 2019

Mark your calendars now to attend any of the following groups this coming year
No membership required, 
just join us when you can.

The First Friday of each month 9:30-3p.m.
With Needle and Thread
This group had their first gathering, I apologize, it was listed in
facebook, but not as a blog post.  This group is for any project you are working on that uses a needle and thread.  Gals were working on wool, hexi's, binding quilts, embroidery, needle turn applique.  So inspiring!   (Sack lunch encouraged)  
This group is hosted by 
Anna Mary and Kathy Dubord.

The second Tuesday, 
Superior Knitted Knockers
will meet in the Art Gallery, upstairs at Ben's
Knitting from 2-4 p.m.  
Knit elegantly shaped prosthetics for survivors of breast cancer.  All donations are shared locally!

Featherweight Friends
This group will meet on 1/11/19 in January, 
but will be moving to the second Monday of each month for the rest of the year.  
Bring your featherweight and current project.  Join us for a day of open sewing from 9:30-3p.m.
(Sack lunch encouraged)
Rose and Marcia hosting this group.

Moda Club will continue to meet on the 
third Wednesday of each month at 1p.m.
This group is for any quilter.
Short program followed by inspiring Show & Tell!

In Stitches is the meeting for knitters and crocheters!  Join us the last Thursday of each month, from 1-3 p.m. or 5-7 p.m.  Bring your current project and any show & tell you would like to share.

Occasionally there will be additional project sewing events....such as on 1/18/19!
Join Marcia for a paper pieced tree event.
9:30 - 1 p.m.
More details to follow.

1 comment:

  1. So fun to get together at Ben's. Each time I attend, I always pick up a new hint or method that pertains to my own projects. Thanks to Jane Vandenberg I now have a wonderful new marker tool to help me track rows as I created the knitted knockers.
